When I Signmy Student Federal Loans Etc in the Fall Do I Have to Sign Them Again for the Winter?

Past Perfect Tense Exercises With Answers
Past Perfect Tense Exercises With Answers

We take already talked about past perfect continuous/progressive tense usages and sentences structures. In the commodity beneath yous volition find past perfect tense exercises with answers accomplished for ESL students or teachers.


  • Present Perfect Tense Exercises with Answers
  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers

Past Perfect Tense Exercises

Exercise 1:

1- They had _____________ a lot of wood before the weather got cold in Quetta.

  • a- purchase
  • b- buying
  • c- bought

2- We had ______________ when they came home.

  • a- gone shopping
  • b- went shopping
  • c- go shopping

three- I had turned off my prison cell phone when yous _______________ me last night.

  • a- call
  • b- were phone call
  • c- chosen

four- When I arrived to the classroom, the teacher _________________ the lesson already.

  • a- has already
  • b- have started
  • c- had started

5- Who _______________ the president of Pakistan before Musharaf?

  • a- had been
  • b- had had
  • c- had he

vi- Who ______________ gone shopping with when you saw him?

  • a- had
  • b- had been
  • c- had he

vii- He hadn`t ____________ job for a while before he became an English language instructor at Optics.

  • a- have
  • b- had any
  • c- having

eight- When he _____________ habitation his brothers and sisters had already eaten dinner.

  • a- Comes
  • b- comes
  • c- came

9- For how long _____________ president of the U.S.A. before Obama won the ballot?

  • a- Bush had been
  • b- Had bush
  • c- had Bush-league been

Do ii:

Put the verbs into the right grade (by perfect uncomplicated).

  1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that nosotros (build) _____________________.
  2. He (not / exist)__________________________ to Cape Town earlier 1997.
  3. When she went out to play, she (practise / already)_______________________ her homework.
  4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make)________________________.
  5. The doc took off the plaster that he (put on)_____________________ six weeks before.
  6. The waiter brought a drinkable that I (non / order) ________________________________.
  7. I could not call back the poem nosotros (learn)_______________________ the week before.
  8. The children collected the apples that (fall)_____________________ from the tree.
  9. He (call)________________________ Shahla earlier he went to run across her in London?
  10. She (non / ride)_____________________ a equus caballus before that day.

Exercise 3:

Put the verbs into the correct grade (Past perfect unproblematic tense)

  1. When she (hear) the noise, she turned to see what information technology was.
  2. When I saw her, I knew nosotros (never meet) before.
  3. When I looked at the lorry, I could come across that somebody (bulldoze) into the back of it.
  4. The movie (start already) when we arrived to the movie theater.
  5. The dr. examined her leg and (notice) that she had broken it.
  6. I was hungry considering I (not consume) since breakfast.
  7. I was frightened because the constabulary (come up) for my brother.
  8. I was feeling very thirsty because I (drink) besides much alcohol the nighttime before.
  9. I told him twice that I (not know) him.
  10. I told him I didn't know who (steal) his pen.
  11. I paid for the window because my son (break) it.
  12. I felt really stupid because I (make) a lot of mistakes.
  13. I couldn't get in because I (lose) my keys.
  14. I (write) a long letter of the alphabet to my mother yesterday.
  15. He told me he (never meet) anything like that.
  16. He told me he (never be) to Commonwealth of australia before.
  17. He started to read the newspaper he (purchase) an hour ago.
  18. He (spend) three years in Tahiti when he was a child.
  19. Before he came to Warsaw he (live) in Prague.
  20. After she (cease) breakfast, she left the business firm.

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  • Past Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers


Practice 1. Practise two.
1. bought 1. had built.
two. gone shopping 2. had not been
3. called iii. had already done
4. had started four. had brand.
five. had been 5. had put on
6. had 6. had not ordered
7. had any 7. had learned
8. came 8. had fallen
nine. had Bush been 9. had chosen
x. had not ridden
Exercise 3.
i. had heard
2. had never met
3. had driven
4. had started
5. had institute
half-dozen. had non eaten
7. had came
8. had drunk
nine. had not known
ten. had stolen
11. had cleaved
12. had fabricated
thirteen. had lost
xiv. wrote
15. had never seen
16. had never been
17. had bought
18. had spent
nineteen. had lived
20. finished

Conversation In Past Perfect Tense

S1: Had you been prepared for winter when the weather got cold this year?

S2: Yes, we had. We had already bought a Turkish heater and enough coal.

S1: Did y'all purchase whatsoever firewood abreast coal?

S2: Yes, we did. My dad had brought a whole truck of wood form Shinwar before nosotros got the coal over hither in Quetta.

S1: Lucky you! So you lot actually enjoy the winter, don`t you?

S2: Yeah, nosotros sure do. But you told me zero about your grooming, friend!

S1: To tell yous the truth, we had had the aforementioned preparation at least before it started to snow, merely no Turkish heater!

S2: What kind of heater do you employ then?

S1: We had bought the one made in Quetta even before the atmospheric condition got cold.

S2: No matter what kind every bit long as it keeps you warm.

S1: Yes, you`re right. The ones made in Quetta are cheaper and they piece of work just fine.

S2: I totally agree with you. In fact, information technology is a good idea to buy our own products.

S1: Now y'all got to the point. That`s what I said.


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Source: https://www.learnesl.net/past-perfect-tense-exercises/

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